My Classes

In-Person Classes

In-person classes are held locally in Boldmere, Sutton Coldfield at the Newman Community Centre.


Mondays 6:45pm Yin

Tuesdays 9:30am Hatha Flow

Tuesdays 7:15pm Flow

Wednesdays 9:30am Yoga for Beginners

Fridays 9:30am Gentle Flow

All classes are 75 mins.

Gentle Flow -perfect for beginners or those wanting a slower paced practice but still with options for those wanting a little more from their practice. We move through a flow sequence at a slower pace, with a focus on the foundational asanas, breath and much more.

Yoga Flow & Hatha Flow - mixed level yoga classes with beginner to experienced yoga practitioners. Moving with the breath in a sequence based around Surya Namaskar (sun salutation) variations, with some longer holds.

Yoga for Beginners - designed for those new to yoga, returning to yoga or wanting to unpick the foundational poses a little deeper. This class is more Hatha style, delving into the intention of the postures and exploring by revisiting postures throughout the class.

Yin - Yin yoga targets the deep connective tissues of the body – the ligaments, joints, bones, and deep fascia networks. A Yin class usually consists of a series of passive floor poses held for 3-5 minutes or more. We move into a pose, where you are encouraged to find your ‘edge’ without forcing or causing any pain. Yin poses mainly work the lower part of the body – the hips, pelvis, inner thighs, lower spine. These areas are especially rich in connective tissues. On an energetic level, Yin yoga improves energy flow and enhances the flow of chi in the organs. A yin practice also offers huge mental and emotional benefits.

Everyone is encouraged to work at their own level and take the options that feel great in their body.

£11 Single Class | 5 Class Pass £45 | 10 Class Pass £85

Studio Classes

I teach Dynamic Hot Yoga weekly at Yogasweat Aldridge and you can often find me covering there and at other studios in and around Birmingham.

Studio classes can be booked direct with each studio via their website.

For studios requiring cover, please contact me by email.

Private Classes

I offer private yoga classes, working one-to-one, at a time and place to suit your needs. All private class bookings begin with a call or meeting to discuss you, your needs, your challenges and your goals. I then tailor each class to meet your individual needs.

To enquire about private classes, please contact me.

Corporate Classes & Events

I offer corporate yoga classes, either in the workplace or via Zoom. These sessions are tailored to meet the needs of the company and its employees, covering anything from classes based around general health, wellbeing & mindfulness to classes to support staff through the stages of menopause.

To enquire about corporate classes and discuss your requirements, please contact me.

Book a Class

It is preferable to book classes in advance, although drop-ins are welcome.

Class numbers are limited and subject to change. Pre-booking and pre-payment are advised.

In-Person Registration Form

Please take the time to complete an in-person registration form. Click on the link to the form, make a copy and return it back to me via email.